June 14, 2010

A Little "TCOB" on Tuesday Tag-Along

My apologies for neglecting the blog (did anyone even notice?!?). Last week was pretty hectic while I helped out at my son's pre-school with graduation preparations, and, finally, attending his pre-k graduation ceremony on Saturday. I was so nervous for him, I was certain I would throw up. Thankfully, I kept my cookies in check, and watched in amazement as my boy marched up to the stage to receive his faux diploma (I got the real one later on). But even that stellar moment was overshadowed by his performance as the wise octopus in The Rainbow Fish. His class put on a play about the popular children's book, and A.J. was the only 4 yr old with a speaking part. He recited five sentences from memory without missing a beat.

I could not believe that the same little boy I dropped off at pre-school in August, crying and begging me not to leave him alone in a strange place, was now standing proudly on a stage in a room filled with 650 people staring at him as he delivered a set of memorized lines. How many four year olds can do that? For the love of god, this time last year I was struggling to finish his potty training, and now he's hounding me to find out when he gets to go to the "big kids" school. I swear parents underestimate their children. I know I did. I'll never make that mistake again.

This week is just more of the same as I take care of last-minute details for A.J. and Benjamin's joint birthday party taking place on Father's Day. I will still be posting this week so check back tomorrow to read my take on some of the whack-jobs ladies of the Real housewives of New York and New Jersey (and by whack-jobs I am, of course, referring to Kelly and Danielle), but I'm saving a couple of heated posts for next week when my thoughts will hopefully be more focused (if that's even possible with two kids under 5 running around inside my house.

Tuesday Tag-Along

Stopping by from Tuesday Tag-Along? Be sure to leave a comment telling me so. I want to make certain I thank everyone who takes the time to read my random musings, and follow anyone crazy enough to follow me ;-) If you're not here from TTA, try it out! You have nothing to lose, and only new friends and followers to gain. Head over to Twee Poppets to add your linky.


  1. Hi! I'm a new follower from TTA. I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures!

    I hope you can come visit and follow me too. :)



  2. Hi there

    Just popped over to follow you from TTA. I'm looking forward to exploring your blog more! Love your post about your son's graduation!! It's amazing to watch the transformation isn't it? My youngest is just half-way through her first year (We're in Australia), and she's grown so much in such a short time!!


  3. Hey following you from Tuesday Tag Along:)

  4. I found your blog via Tuesday Tag~Along and decided to follow you. I hope you will check my blog out at
    and maybe follow me.

  5. Hi there!!

    Visiting from the Tuesday Follow! Your family is adorable!! Can't wait to come back and read more! I loved reading about the play too!

  6. hey! I already follow you! just stopping by to say hi! www.peacefuldivas.com

  7. Sounds like your little one is a superstar! Newest follower in the house from Tag Along Tuesday. Would love to hear back from you! Can't wait to read more...

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  8. Im your new follower from tag tuesday tag along. You have such beautiful family.



Por favor, throw this crazy Cuban mama a bone and comment on her stuff. Gracias :-)